Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cal 20 - Taco Tuesday Series 2 Recap

On Tuesday, July 17 the fifth and final race of the Second Series of the Cal 20 - Taco Tuesday races was held.  The winds were great and the three skippers and crews that came out had a great time sailing on the longest course, a total of 4.0 nautical miles. 

Congratulations to skipper, Mike Schachter along with his crew of Jeff Landers and Dan Paracchini on Kate.  In second was skipper, Debbie Kraemer along with her crew of Duncan Harrison and Lesley MacDonald on RisQue.  In third was skipper, Ray Wilson along with his crew of Margaret Brewer and George Merino on Salty Lady.

Also congratulations go out to Mike Schachter on taking the overall series win for the Second Series.

Complete results for all of the races and the series are available under the One Design Race tab.

The next series starts on Tuesday, July 31st and runs 5 races.

See you on the water!

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